Sustainability Policy
Our commitement to being carbon neutral
Tecrea recognises that businesses can have a negative impact on the environment. We are committed to finding ways in which we can reduce the impact of our work both in the office and beyond.
It is our policy to:
- Recycle as much waste material as possible
- Avoid the use of paper wherever possible. For example, sending invoices and quotes via email as PDF files.
- Recycling equipment that is no longer of use to the company. For example, giving away items such as computers and printers that we no longer use.
- Keep energy usage low. For example, making use of low energy light bulbs throughout and ensuring that computers are shut down after work.
- Reuse wastepaper (from the printer) where possible, making use of the blank side for notes etc.
- Purchase products made with recycled paper. For example, paper towels, printer paper
- Purchase products with a lower environmental impact. For example, environmentally safe soaps and detergents.
- Avoid unnecessary travel by making use of instant messaging, video and audio conferencing, telephone and email.
- Ensure product packaging is recyclable wherever possible
As a spin-off from the Royal Veterinary College (University of London), Tecrea’s registered office is located within the college the who themselves have a sustainability policy based on 5 key focus areas:
1. Wildlife Enhancement
2. Water Management
3. Energy and carbon
4. Resource and waste
5. Sustainable travel
As a resident within the Royal Veterinary College, Tecrea are fully committed to the support of the above 5 focus areas.